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Older Adult Inpatient Program

Older Adult Inpatient Program

Inpatient Treatment for Older Adults

The Inpatient Older Adult program at Quail Run Behavioral Health addresses the needs of older adults (55+) that require intensive behavioral health care. The holistic approach is intended to address both the mental health and the medical needs on an individual basis. Our interdisciplinary treatment team consists of psychiatrists, nurses, psychologists, therapists, discharge planners, recreation therapists, dietitians and behavioral health technicians that are experts in understanding the challenges that may come with aging. For those individuals facing memory issues, the older adult program at Quail Run can provide treatment on a case-by-case basis.

Mental Health and Older People

You or your loved one are not alone when it comes to older adults that are struggling with mental health issues. 

Mental health in seniors is far more common than you would think. According to the World Health Organization, nearly 15% of the population over 60 in the world are impacted by mental health issues. It is extremely important to keep an eye on warning signs and potential mental health issues and not just dismiss red flags as a normal part of the aging process. 

Even more concerning, mental health disorders in older adults are only expected to get worse, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The global population for this age group is expected to double by 2050, meaning that mental health in seniors could be one of the biggest health crises to keep an eye on in the distant future. 

Senior adult mental health is an issue that is not going to go away anytime soon, and it is important to get you or your older adult loved one the help that they need as early as possible. 

There is no reason to put off asking for help for you or your loved one. Reach out to us today to get started. 

Why Choose a Senior Adult Inpatient Program?

A senior inpatient program for behavioral health can benefit older adults through age-specific, senior mental health services. Each patient is a top priority, and it is important to remember that each patient also is unique – no treatment plan is one-size-fits all. 

We understand this, and our initial assessments take a look at who you are or your loved one is in order to determine the best, most effective treatment options for them and their long term needs. 

Does an Inpatient Program for Seniors Work?

Whether or not an inpatient program works in an older person depends on multiple factors including the level of care, length of treatment, quality of treatment and the desire of the individual themselves to work on improving. 

However, we provide the tools and skills for our patients to heal and live happier, healthier lives. From individual and group therapy to other evidence-based treatment methods, let us take care of you or your loved one. 

Help is Available During a Crisis

Our assessment and referral team is available to receive calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis and needs help, don’t wait. Call us at 602-455-5694 for a no-cost, confidential assessment today.